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Composites and Coatings Group

Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy

Self-similar scaling of discharge events through PEO coatings on aluminium
CS Dunleavy, JA Curran, TW Clyne
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (6), 1051-1061

Plasma electrolytic oxidation of aluminium networks to form a metal-cored ceramic composite hybrid material
CS Dunleavy, JA Curran, TW Clyne
Composites Science and Technology 71 (6), 908-915

Plasma electrolytic oxidation for surface protection of aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys
JA Curran
Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 89 (6), 295-297

H. J. Robinson, A. E. Markaki, C. A. Collier, T. W. Clyne
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials,4, 8 (2011) 2103-2112


The fracture energy of metal fibre reinforced ceramic composites (MFCs)Pemberton, S. R., E. K. Oberg, et al. (2011). Composites Science and Technology 71(3): 266-275.

Dean, J., A. S-Fallah, et al. (2011)
Composite Structures 93(3): 1089-1095.